Just got done with the book "Holy Ambition" and it was a great read! Rated out of a 10 I would give the book a 7.5.
Want to know how to get holy ambition and what it takes to make a difference for God, then this would be the book for you.
Quoted from page 159:
Personal commitments, over the long haul, make up what we call character. When character, along with a dislocated heart, a broken spirit, and a radical faith, devise the kind of strategic plans that further God's agenda in the world, holy ambition has reached maturity in another life.
After reading this book, I can honestly say it doesn't matter what comes my way, but that my God will always be bigger then what life brings me and with His help I will conquer anything! We serve a huge God, way bigger than our minds can imagine. Have a great weekend and press on for His agenda.
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Thanks for your thoughts. I do plan to read that book someday. Right now I am reading "The Holiness of God, by RC Sproul" I am already taken back by it. God is a God of Holiness. He is worthy to be praised now and forever. God bless you bro. I am praying for you and your family. Be encouraged and keep pressing on for His glory.
I love you
In Him,
your brother
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