Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Disasters: A Megaphone of God?

With one disaster after another going on in the world, I found this article to be interesting. Are you prepared to meet the judgment seat of Christ? Everyone will one day face it, NO ONE is exempt! Don't waste your life away! God gave us life to bring Him glory, lets start using life for that one main purpose! All things on this earth will one day perish, are you storing treasures up in heaven or here on earth? What are you living for?

If you have not repented of your sins and named Jesus Lord of your life, I encourage you to do so today. Who knows what tragedy could befall you today or tomorrow? As a matter of fact, tomorrow may be too late. Do it now. If you do, you have an eternity waiting for you with no tears, no sorrow, and no sighing. I recommend Randy Alcorn's book simply titled Heaven for the full picture of what is ahead for believers. Get it in any Christian bookstore.

Eternity is a long time. Spend it in the right place.

Keep pressing, keep praying, keep preparing for the coming King!!

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