Friday, June 6, 2008

Never the same again....

God is truly working around the world. Here is a story from Gospel for Asia.

Never the Same Again

Many in Asia are experiencing deliverance in their lives as the Lord works through the prayers of GFA missionaries like the one pictured here.
It would have been hard to miss Vasava's presence at the prayer meeting. In fact, the opportunity to receive the prayer she was seeking came sooner than she probably had hoped.

As the service began, Vasava launched into violent convulsions, brought on by the evil spirit that had tormented her for the past year. Immediately, Gospel for Asia missionary Parkash Malik, who was leading the service, came and prayed for Vasava. The evil spirit left her, and she was free!

This meeting was just one of many held during this congregation's 40 days of prayer. Parkash saw it as an opportunity for these believers to grow stronger in their faith as they saw God intervene and answer prayer in amazing ways in their community.

Sukesini came to the church for prayer during one of these meetings, too. Her story was similar, but had been going on much longer. She had been possessed by demonic spirits for nine years. When Parkash prayed for Sukesini, she experienced total deliverance.

Manoroma also came seeking relief from a long-term health problem. She had suffered from chest pain for well over 15 years. Parkash prayed for Manoroma, and the Lord healed her completely.

Through this display of God's power in their lives, these three women and their families came to know the Savior—and their lives will never be the same. Today, they regularly attend Parkash's church, gladly joining their voices in worship with more than 100 others.

Learn more about the beautiful scenic state of Himachal Pradesh, India.

Read another encouraging story that shows how God is at work in Himachal Pradesh.

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