Saturday, October 18, 2008

Growth in godliness & freedom of sin

Christians should always be aware of the growth they are experiencing in Jesus Christ. The more you walk with the Lord, the more your growth in godliness should be noticeable to those around you, including yourself. A genuine disciple of Jesus Christ will abide in His Word's!

Jesus said: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

You say, "free from what? What kind of freedom do genuine disciples experience?" First, true believers have freedom from the power of sin. If Jesus is setting you free because you are abiding in Him, then you are being freed from the power of sin. Sin is a powerful thing.Our inclination to do wrong is very strong. In and of yourself, you cannot overcome your tendency to do wrong. You can't. Some of you reading this booklet are not genuine disciples, and you are trying by the power of your own will to do what's right. You can't. I can't either. You can only do tight because of the power of Christ in your life. If He is setting you free, then He is setting you free from the power of sin. You can now do what is right.

Friend, the truth shall make you free. Certainly, genuine Christians do sin. They do struggle. But they persevere, and they see as the pattern of their lives an increasing growth in godliness. It's an ongoing precess. Here's a little tip:


...your heart fro God is the same as it was two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago;'re not more in love with Him;'re not a better husband or a better wife;'re not a more honest business person;'re not growing;'re not changing;

THEN you may not be a Christian, because He's not in the process of setting you free.

Jesus said it. "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." This is no game. The subject that we're discussing is your eternal destiny. Will you go to a real place called heaven, or will you go to a real place called hell? Are you a genuine follower of Christ?

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