Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Shack

Thinking about reading this book?

Over the last year I have come to love reading, just not fiction. If you did see me reading fiction it would probably be a C.S. Lewis book, but outside of that it's not for me. I love books that either challenge me, make me think, or grow in my walk with Christ.

I have not read this book, but after buying it for my wife, the following day I received an email in my inbox about the book. It was not a pleasant email. After reading the email I continued to research the book and came across a broadcast of "The Albert Mohler Radio Program" which he goes in depth about the book and where it is misleading. Just click the link and listen in. It's about 10 minutes into the program.

You can also read the email that was sent to me. The email was titled - The Seductive and Subversive ''Shack''.

So if your planning on reading this, or giving it to someone to read you might want to rethink that. My Grandma tells me, just because you see it in the Christian bookstore does not always mean it is a good book.

Keep pressing, keep praying Church.

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